900th anniversary in honor of the founder of Rolduc Abbey, Ailbertus of Antoing

Will Ailbertus of Antoing now be beatified?

In honor of the founder of Rolduc Abbey, an honorable mass was held in the abbey church on September 19. It is 900 years since our beautiful abbey was founded by Ailbertus of Antoing. The foundation set up for this purpose, which has been preparing the abbey founder's beatification process for many years, recently submitted the necessary documents for the beatification process in Rome. The Vatican announced the complete submission of the documents, which are now subject to further examination. We all hope that this beatification process will now lead to a positive decision after many years of preparatory work. The hope of the people who feel connected to this process in Rolduc must not be disappointed. In November 2021, the Chairwoman of the Ailbertus von Antoing Foundation, Catharina Scholtens, and the Ambassadeur du Pays de Rode à Limbourg, Dr. Jörg Schmitz-Gielsdorf, together with Pastor Gehlen, personally travelled to Rome to discuss the final details of the positio with Father Vicenzo Criscuolo. Since the appointment of the first ambassador Jack Buck in 2009, the Ambassade du Pays de Rode à Limbourg has also been working for the diocese of Roermond and Rolduc Abbey, among others. Father Vicenzo Criscuolo carries out the final examination of the documents for the Congregation of Saints as General Relator (see the blog post https://www.ambassade-pays-rode.com/ambassade-blog/blog-detailansicht/25/11/2021/zur-arbeitsbesprechung).

During the dignified 900th anniversary celebration, the chairwoman, Mrs. Catharina Scholtens, once again conveyed the intention to all guests of the celebration. Accompanied by beautiful choral music, the founder was commemorated in the splendidly decorated mass conducted by Deken Stef Nevelstein. The Aachener Nachrichten reported on this in detail on 13.09.2022. Link to the article: https://www.aachener-zeitung.de/lokales/nordkreis/herzogenrath/seligsprechung-von-rolduc-gruender-ailbertus-rueckt-naeher_aid-76651585

At the subsequent celebration in the historic library of Abdij Rolduc, the guests gathered to share their joy at the event over a drink.
