After an interruption due to the pandemic, we are finally back in action!
11:00 Holy Mass on Place Saint Georges, celebrated by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Liège, Eric de Beukelaer
12:15 - 13:15 Search game on the Place Saint Georges
13:45 Welcome on the Place Saint Georges by Ambassadeur Dr. Jörg Schmitz-Gielsdorf, speeches by Mayor Valerie Dejardin (Limbourg, B), Mayor Dr. Petra Dassen-Housen (Kerkrade, NL), Deputy Mayor Marie-Theres Sobczyk (Herzogenrath, D), HLP Chairwoman Catharina Scholtens (Stichting Hertog Limburg Pad, NL), if applicable
14:00 Flag waving
14:15 Concert by the Moselle Singers (Part 1)
Reception of the guests of honor in the Crystal Salon of the Ambassade: Mayor & representatives of the Commune de Limbourg, Rolduc Abbey and the St. Catharina Guild, entry in the guest book of the Ambassade and tribute to the chairwoman of the Stichting HLP
15:00 Concert break & award ceremony for the search game
15:15 Concert by the Moselle Singers (part 2)
16:00 End
(see program for download below)
The Ambassade du Pays de Rode is particularly looking forward to welcoming guests to the Limbourg Memorial Day this year. After a long period in which we were not allowed to celebrate any municipal events, we now have free rein again. For the opening of the newly restored Place St. Georges in the Nuit Romantique on 18.06.22, we welcomed 2000 visitors to Limbourg again for the first time. This shows how much joy and interest is now blossoming in Limbourg. Above all, we are expecting guests from the Netherlands and Germany. Why? Because we consider cross-border friendship to be particularly important, both on a small and large scale. This is the message of the Ambassade: Partagé! Let's share the joy of culture and nature in our region across borders!