Meeting in the Vatican with Father Vicenzo Criscuolo, Relator General of the Congregation for Saints

Final formalities: Postulatio for the beatification process of the founder of the department Rolduc Ailbertus von Antoing

In November 2021, the Chairwoman of the Ailbertus von Antoing Foundation, Catharina Scholtens, and the Ambassadeur du Pays de Rode à Limbourg, Dr. Jörg Schmitz-Gielsdorf, together with the Postulator in the diocese of Roermond, Pastor Gehlen, personally traveled to Rome to discuss the final details of the Positio with Father Vicenzo Criscuolo. The Ambassade du Pays de Rode à Limbourg has also been working for the diocese of Roermond and Rolduc Abbey, among others, since the appointment of the first ambassador Jack Buck in 2009. Father Vicenzo Criscuolo, as General Relator of the Congregation of Saints, carries out the final examination of the documents for the beatification process of the abbot founder Ailbertus of Antoing.
