The WCIDC takes shape
The project of a World Citizen Identity Card will be presented.
The project of a World Citizen Identity Card will be presented.
Internationalization of "Youth in Dialogue".
Young people from six nations develop a vision for the future.
Final formalities: Postulatio for the beatification process of the founder of the department Rolduc Ailbertus von Antoing
Closed event - Cancelled due to current situation
European Foundation for Support of Culture
"L'homme a inventé le vin, Dieu a créé le champagne!" - "Man invented wine, God created champagne!"
Presentation of a gift to the King's Commissioner Theo Bovens
Love: ... and I am carried home by your breath, through enchanted fairy tales, through buried legends...
Strengthening the idea of peaceful coexistence in Europe!
A long journey through the history of the Duchy of Limbourg to the present day:
Invitation to all Euregians interested in history to the High Mass at Rolduc Abbey